
評籃說理 於 30/03/2015 發表 收藏文章

在美國時間星期日,一向語出驚人的火箭總經理Daryl Morey 說出了奪冠宣言,他接受記者訪問時表示,雖然他不認為火箭會是奪冠熱門,但他深信火箭在今個賽季能取得總冠軍。

最近火箭受到傷兵問題困擾,兩位前鋒Terrence Jones和Donatas Motiejunas過自因傷退下火線,而Dwight Howard復出後也需要獲得適當的休息。更甚的是,正選控球後衛Patrick Beverley需要動手術,很有可能賽季報銷。現時火箭可以說是由MVP大熱門James Harden苦苦支撐。

引用"We think we can win the title with or without Beverley."

"Obviously it gets more challenging without Beverley; he's the key to our ability to guard a lot of these very good point guards in the West."

然而,Morey認為冠軍大熱門仍然是金州勇士,這支在常規賽對著火箭有著優勢的球隊。Morey認為勇士的球員很健康,今季也發揮得出色,而且Steve Kerr也成功帶領著球隊。不過Morey覺得火箭在7場系列賽中,能夠擊敗任何對手。

引用"We won't go in as the favorite. I think Golden State, deservedly so, gets to be called the favorite. They've had a very historic season. I think the Golden State training staff hasn't been talked about enough this year. That team has been healthy and really that showcased everyone in Golden State. Coach [Steve] Kerr has done a great job. We won't go in as the favorite. We do feel like we can beat anybody in a seven-game series, and we're pretty excited to get going with the playoffs."

自94、95年兩個球季奪得總冠軍後,火箭只曾3次線過季後賽第2輪。在近兩個球季,火箭都在首圈被淘汰。因此,Dwight Howard也表示,他們定要打破這個魔咒。



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  • 曾程 於 31/03/2015 評論 NO. 1

