Shaquille O'Neal:後悔當年離開魔術

評籃說理 於 29/03/2015 發表 收藏文章

美國時間星期五,Shaquille O'Neal 繼Pat Williams 和Nick Anderson後,成為第三位登上奧蘭多魔術的名人堂球員。

Shaquille O'Neal 19歲時在奧蘭多展開其職業生涯,可是經歷了四個球季後,他以自由身加盟洛杉磯湖人,自此也成為魔術球迷心中永遠的痛。儘管他的離開對魔術傷害極大,可是事隔多年後,魔術決定把O'Neal加入球隊的名人堂當中,以表揚他的貢獻。



“Do I regret it? I never fully answer it. I regret it sometimes. Is this where I started and should have stayed? I actually wish they made it a law that whoever drafts you, you gotta stay there your whole career.”

“That’s why I kind of regret it, because we had a young, fabulous team. We really did. And it’s a shame that we got torn apart. But I think about that all the time. I try not to live my life now on ‘ifs’ or ‘would’ve, should’ve,’ but do I regret leaving here in ’96, yes I do.”

“I wish I would have had more patience. I wanted to be protected from the bashing. What I mean by that is I wanted to win then. Even when I got (to Los Angeles) I still got bashed, it took four years to win. But I was very impatient. I was very young and I thought that if I go there, with those guys out there I could win right away and that wasn’t the case."





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