被球迷抨擊輪休策略,Steve Kerr作出回應

評籃說理 於 16/03/2015 發表 收藏文章

最近,NBA討論的其中一個熱門話題,就是NBA總裁Adam Silver與各球會及委員會討論賽程問題,希望減少背靠背的賽事。而最近不少球會在繁忙的賽程下,選擇讓球員輪休,其中一隊便是金州勇士。

在美國時間星期五,教練Steve Kerr在對丹佛金塊的賽事讓Stephen Curry、Klay Thompson、Andrew Bogut 和Andre Iguodala休息。

在賽後,不少球迷感到十分失望,更電郵予Steve Kerr表達不滿。而據<美聯社>報導,Kerr明白球迷的失望,但他不會改變主義,繼續讓球員輪休。不過他會改變策略,只會在作客比賽時輪休,讓主場球迷看到球員的表演。而他輪休的決定,是為了保障球員的健康。
引用“I heard from some fans. I received a few emails, stories about driving in from a long distance off and spending a lot of money on ticket. I have great sympathy for those people. I really do. It’s a tricky one. It’s something that I think Adam Silver is trying to address through the scheduling shuffling that he’s talking about.

It’s real important, because our fans deserve to see the best product out there. If somebody spends a lot of money, they deserve to see the best players, the guy that they came to see. On the other hand, as coaches we have to do what’s best to prepare our teams for a really long year.”




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