
評籃說理 於 14/02/2015 發表 收藏文章

據<奧克拉俄馬人>報導,雷霆當家球星Kevin Durant在採訪中引發了一個具爭議性的話題。這位去年常規賽最有價值球員認為,媒體的權力過大,不應該能夠決定每年NBA的重要獎項。他認為NBA的球員應該具有投票的權利,因為球員比媒體更懂得比賽。

引用“They have too much power. The players know each other inside and out. The media isn’t in the film room and goes for sexy names.”

Kevin Durant的意思,並不是完全由球員取代記者投票,他的意思是球員和記者也可以投票。Durant認為,球員之間每晚都會互相交手,大家知道大家在場上說些什麼,也知道對方如何對待隊友和如何準備比賽,所以Durant認為球員的投票應該被考慮在內。
引用"I think (the) media gets too much power to vote on stuff like that quite frankly I don't think you really know a lot about as much we know about it."

"So we play against these guys every single night, we battle against these guys, we know what they say on the court, we know how they handle their teammates, we know how they approach the game, and our votes should count."

"Our opinions should count. I don't think you guys know as much we do and I don't see why you have more power than we do."

引用"There are a lot of guys that deserve Defensive Player of the Year or Sixth Man of the Year but you guys (decide sometimes because) they are not the sexier names. A lot of people will see the names of these players and don't look at the other guys that contribute to our game as well."




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  • 周虹秀 於 14/02/2015 評論 NO. 1


  • wowai1121 於 14/02/2015 評論 NO. 2

    我覺得他的沒錯,應該由各方都有機會投票選出MVP和ALL STAR球員
