Dwight Howard再次承認,他曾希望加盟籃網

評籃說理 於 13/01/2015 發表 收藏文章

據<紐約郵報>報導,在火箭作客對籃網的賽事展開前,火箭中鋒Dwight Howard接受訪問時再次談及當年有關加盟籃網的說法。

2011-12賽季,有傳聞指Dwight Howard要求離隊,希望轉會到籃網,與Deron Williams並肩作戰。可是當時魔術努力遊說Howard留隊,籃網及後也沒有合用資產作為交換Howard的籌碼,結果在2012年8月,Howard被交易至魔術。


引用“It’s something that, at the time, would have been the best move. But everything happens for a reason. I was looking forward to one day being in Brooklyn at the time, but I found a great home in Houston, our team is playing exceptionally well, and we have a great opportunity to do something special.”

後來,籃網找來Kevin Garnett和Paul Pierce,結果也不是打出什麼好成績。如今,Pierce已離開,Garnett已老退,Deron Williams的狀態也不如從前。


引用“Yeah, you always have those regrets or whatever. But one thing I try to do is live without regrets. Like I said, everything happens for a reason. There was a point in time where I thought this was the best place for me to play basketball, and I guess things didn’t happen the way I wanted them to happen.”




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  • teddy1996 於 13/01/2015 評論 NO. 1

