日前,Kobe Bryant在NBA史上總得分,超越了Michael Jordan,成為史上第三位後。後者曾發聲明恭賀他,但原來還有後話。
據<芝加哥太陽時報>的Seth Gruen報導,Michael Jordan曾發短訊給Kobe,叫對方追趕Karl Malone的紀錄,因為鬥士是不會停下來的。
引用"Go get Karl. The competitor never stops.”
Kobe Bryant則一再感謝Michael Jordan等名將,表示他從名將們身上學到很多。他謙虛表示不是自己超越他們的紀錄,而是和名將一起超越這些紀錄。
引用 "It was more of a thankful feeling to Michael and the players who came before because I’ve learned so much from them. And I don’t say that lightly. I’ve literally just stole [expletive] from them, like spin moves and pull-ups. It’s not me passing these players. It’s us. I’ve literally taken things from their games and made them my own."
Karl Malone在19年職業生涯中一共取得36928,而Kobe現時還欠4563分追趕Malone的紀錄。以Kobe場均25.41分來說,Kobe需要182場常規賽才能追趕到Malone的紀錄。意味著Kobe完成了現今的合約,要再留在湖人多一年,才有望達成這目標。
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