
評籃說理 於 22/12/2014 發表 收藏文章

三角進攻從來也不會依賴一個傳統型的控衛,湖人時Derek Fisher只不過是一名普通的控衛,而Ron Harper在公牛時甘心做一個綠葉球員,收起自己強勁的得分能力。而現在紐約人的Jose Calderon也沒以往般出色,其PER值比聯盟一眾控衛為低。

可是,太陽的Goran Dragic仍考慮加盟紐約人。據<紐約每日新聞>報導,這位將在季尾成為自由球員的斯洛文尼亞球員,對紐約人讚賞有加。他稱讚紐約人總裁Phil Jackson過往在公牛和湖人時期取得重大成功,他有能力改變球隊,做一些正確決定。對Dragic來說,這是非常吸引的地方,他有興趣跟Phil Jackson合作。

引用“Oh yeah, definitely. You know Phil, he was a great coach. He won so many titles and he was coaching so many great players that of course it’s interesting and I would love working with him. Because probably he’s making all the moves — I’m not sure — but he knows what the team needs and what direction the team needs to go. In the past probably, he makes some decisions, who the Lakers bring in and the Chicago Bulls and (he)did an amazing job.”


引用“I think so it’s a possibility, but not just New York. I’m a free agent. I want to explore my options but so far I’m really happy in Phoenix. They give me a lot. I like the city. I like the fans and I like the organization, so it’s going to be a tough decision to make, but I’m going to start thinking of that at the end of the season.”

對Dragic來說,三角戰術或不適合他,但Phil Jackson和紐約這城市,是兩大吸引力所在。正也解釋了為何Carmelo Anthony選擇留隊,而Phil Jackson也有信心在未來兩年重建成功。





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