
評籃說理 於 17/12/2014 發表 收藏文章

Kobe Bryant踏入職業生涯的黃昏期,毫無疑問他是一個偉大的球員,但他作戰的方式卻不是每個人能夠認同。開季前,有報導指有球星不希望跟Kobe Bryant作隊友,這是令湖人繼續沉淪的原因。可是,雷霆的Kevin Durant卻不認同。

據<今日體育>的Sam Amick報導,Durant在接受訪問時被問到有關Kobe Bryant總得分超越Michael Jordan時,他認為Kobe是個偉大的球員。在訪問中他也駁斥了聯盟中有球員不願和高比一起打球的說法,他認為這不是事實,他對傳聞只能用一個詞語來形容,就是一句髒話。

引用“Excuse my language, but that’s (expletive). I want to play with a winner every single night, especially somebody who wants to win that bad, who works that hard, who demands a lot, who raises up your level. I’d want to play with a guy like that every day. … (His style) may make people uncomfortable, how he acts and just how he approaches the game, but I love that type of stuff. I think (the accusation) is BS.”


引用“Just his work ethic, just his demeanor man. He doesn’t mind being an (expletive), and he comes to work man. He’s intense. He demands a lot out of his teammates, and I’ve seen that just playing alongside him in the Olympics (in 2012). He demands a lot out of everybody. He makes them better. Everybody out on the court. You’ve got to respect that. As a player, I study guys like that. We might not have the same personality, but I think we approach the game the same way and I’ve learned a lot from just watching him.”





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