騎士成績改善,教練:Kevin Love正打出生涯以來最好的防守

評籃說理 於 02/12/2014 發表 收藏文章

過去幾場比賽,騎士反底成功,除了進攻端上各人的分工更為清晰外,最重要的是他們的防守也有所進步。在過去三場,他們的對手只有40.4%的命中率。或許Kyrie Irving在對巫師一役中防守John Wall很出色,但Kevin Love的表現也比以往進步。最少,教練David Blatt認同這一點。

Blatt表示,Kevin Love正打出其職業生涯以來最好的防守,他認為Love仍然有進步的空間,但Love確實已經作出了不錯的防守,而他亦認為Love正慢慢適應球隊的體系。

“In general, I would like to say, I think Kevin Love is playing the best defense of his career so far. He can get better like all of us can, but he’s doing a good job. He’s buying into the system, into the principles, and he needs to continue to do that and we need to continue to involve him in the way that we are.”


“I’ve never really been known for that in my career. Being a lockdown defender is something that I know I’ll never be, but as far as being a team defender, being in the right spots, being physical, doing those things, I can get a lot better at that and just continue to break down film and see where I can get better out there. So yeah, I think it’s something that I can continue to buy into and get better at.”





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