Gilbert Arenas 道出一段尷尬往事來說明誰是他面對過最難防守的對手

籃球場 於 24/02/2016 發表 收藏文章

「零號情報員」Gilbert Arenas曾在NBA中征戰了11個賽季,與眾多球星對陣過。在這些交過手的球員中,哪一位是他認為最難以防守呢?近日他在自己的Instagram上上傳了一段Dwyane Wade爆扣Anderson Varejao的片段,並說出了一段往事來說明那個人就是熱火球星Dwyane Wade。
引用THE HARDEST PLAYER ive ever had to guard #Flash...

Arenas說到當年在一場對熱火的比賽之前,有人問他會如何防守「閃電俠」,當時他不明白為何人們會叫Wade做「閃電俠」,因為他認為自己才是速度最快的球員。而他也不擔心防守Wade的問題,因為他打的是控衛,防守Wade的責任落在隊友Larry Hughes身上。
引用I was asked a question before A game.."how will you stop #Flash??"(dont know why they call him flash!! Im the fastest player in this league BUT imma just back up becuz he cant shoot) im pretty sure he took that personal..I wasnt to worried about my out burst,do to the fact I was the #pg so I guarded #keyondooling5 and #damonjones.. #LHughes guarded #Dwade..

誰知Larry Hughes之後被換下場,結果留下Arenas來防守Wade。之後Arenas的惡夢就開始了,Wade在接下來的4分多鐘內,連續8次進攻中都成功得分,並且有3次做成2+1,取下20分。
引用dont know why coach #Jordan subbed hughes and left me to guard #FlashDwade but it wasnt a pretty site... #wade score 8 str8 buckets with #3and1's in 4 mins...

引用dont know why coach #Jordan subbed hughes and left me to guard #FlashDwade but it wasnt a pretty site... #wade score 8 str8 buckets with #3and1's in 4 mins...

引用what made the play worst is after the time out I was #SUBBED #awwdontDoMeLikeThisEddie just when I was about to say(the fck u taking me out for) they replayed the dunk in the arena and I had a #flashback of that 20 points in 4 mins...

引用30 games against wade and im pretty sure he never missed while I was guarding him hahahahaha FYI I think wade is a #ROBOT..hes had the same knee issues as me and at 34 hes still dunking like he did when he was #23 #WTF

最後,Arenas表示Wade是史上第三位的得分後衛,僅次於Michael Jordan和Kobe Bryant。
引用3rd best 2guard EVER #jordan #kobe #Dwade...I was blessed to see them all as a player #ballislife #dwade

標籤: Gilbert Arenas  Dwyane Wade  


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