開發新武器!? Steve Kerr允許Kevon Looney增加三分出手

Kevon Looney在今年夏天和球隊簽下一份3年1500萬美元的新合同,繼續留隊為勇士效力。休賽期勇士經歷大幅人員變動,新賽季Kevon Looney勢必需要承擔更多責任。
據NBC報導,這位23歲前鋒在接受The Athletic記者Anthony Slater訪問時表示,新球季他將會開發三分武器:“我們球隊今年的計劃是讓我在戰術中投更多的三分。上賽季我們有KD、Steph、Draymond和Klay 4位射手,所以大個子們需要可以順下和終結。這就是我扮演的角色。”



"The makeup of our team this year is going to call for me to shoot more 3s," Looney said. "I think last year, you know, we got KD, Steph, Draymond, Klay, you got four guys out there (as) capable shooters, you kind of need the big to be able to roll and finish. That’s kind of been my role.

"I expanded the mid-range jump shot, just to open the game up, make it easier for Steph, so he has some outlets. But I’ve really been working on the 3.

"Steve (Kerr) gave me the green light. Well, he gave me the green light before, but this one, it feels a little different. Like, even if you miss, I want you to keep shooting because we need you to make that shot."
Kevon Looney自進入NBA 4季以來三分總共出手了26次,只命中了當中的5個。新賽季如無意外他將會成為球隊的第六人,Willie Cauley-Stein甚至有可能會作為偽首發讓Kevon Looney有更多時間與主力們搭檔上場。如果Kevon Looney能夠開發出一手穩定三分的話,毫無疑問可以為勇士更多地拉開場上空間。

(source: https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/warriors-kevon-looney-receives-green-light-steve-kerr-shoot-3s)


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