綠軍後衛Terry Rozier賽後受訪時表示自己為球隊犧牲得最多

B for Basketball 於 09/05/2019 發表 收藏文章
一場難看的失利結束後,塞爾特人在東岸季後賽第二輪1:4被公鹿淘汰,正式賽季結束。整個球季都有傳聞指出綠軍的更衣室出現問題,而今日賽後他們的替補控球後衛Terry Rozier在接受採訪時的用詞頗為激烈。

cbs sports引用了幾個媒體採訪得來的原話,這是The Athletic記者Jay King的Twitter post:
原文意思大概是Terry Rozier受訪時感謝了他的朋友和家人,因為他一直在應對一些"狗屎"事情:,他更表示對教練來說這一切都很不容易,因為他一直在跟一些有很多自己想法的球員打交道。

NBCS Boston記者Chris Forsberg的Twitter post:
Terry Rozier談論了這個賽季,他認為這是個艱難的一年,跟這些有天賦的球員打交道,大家都想站在聚光燈下,這些"狗屎"讓這個賽季變得很難。

Boston Globe記者Gary Washburm的這則Twitters指出,下季Terry Rozier也許不會回來波士頓了,當Gary Washburm指出塞爾特人有權匹配其他球隊為Terry Rozier開出的合同時,Rozier只回答了一句No Comment。

在接受Yahoo Sports探訪時,Terry Rozier更是盡情地發泄了自己的內心話: “每個人都在亂跑,像是被砍掉頭的雞一樣。教練處在一個非常艱難的位置,和所有這些態度狗屎的傢伙打交道。全明星球員,高薪水的球員,想要拿大合同的球員等等,這是艱難的。“


引用“Everybody was running around with their heads cut off, like chickens,” backup point guard Terry Rozier III told Yahoo Sports. “Coach was in a tough position, one of the toughest positions, dealing with all these guys with attitudes, all that sh--. Guys that's All-Stars, guys getting paid a lot of money, guys trying to get paid. It's tough.”

Rozier said he saw it on the first day of training camp, so many talented players who could make a case for bigger roles.

“I feel like I sacrificed the most, but I’d do it any day for this team,” Rozier told Yahoo Sports. “A lot of things weren't fair to me, but it's not about me. That's why I don't bitch and complain.”
Terry Rozier今夏將成為一名受限制自由球員,其他球隊可以為他開出合同,但綠軍將會有權利進行匹配。

(source: https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-playoffs-2019-terry-rozier-roasts-the-celtics-selfishness-in-his-postgame-comments/)


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