Harrison Barnes: 雷霆可能是2016年季後賽最強的一支球隊

B for Basketball 於 13/03/2018 發表 收藏文章
獨行俠小前鋒Harrison Barnes最近接受了由Richard Jefferson主持的RoadTrippinPodcast的訪問

Harrison Barnes認為,雖然勇士最終在西岸決賽以4:3逆轉雷霆,但是這支俄城球隊可能是2016年季後賽中最好的一支球隊。


引用“I don’t mean this in any type of offense to RJ or anything like that, but my opinion is that OKC was probably the best team in the playoffs that year.

“I mean they were rollin’. We didn’t have an answer for them. If Klay doesn’t have that crazy Game 6, they’re going to the Finals.

“That team, the way they were built—rebounding, scoring, they were doing it all.”

2016年季後賽西岸決賽,雷霆在前四戰以3:1領先勇士,其中第三、第四戰分別以28分和24分的優勢碾壓那年的衛冕冠軍,他們出眾的臂展和運動能力在籃板和防守上完全壓制了勇士。關鍵的第六戰,Klay Thompson徹底爆發,全場射下11個三分,打破季后賽的3分命中紀錄並攻下41分幫助勇士將場數投成3:3。
搶7戰Stephen Curry回復狀態,最終以4:3逆轉雷霆。

(source: http://www.slamonline.com/nba/harrison-barnes-2016-thunder-probably-best-playoff-team/)


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