D’Angelo Russell復出在即 籃網主帥要面對幸福的煩惱?

B for Basketball 於 17/01/2018 發表 收藏文章
NetsDaily今日報導指出,D’Angelo Russell 己經接近復出。
D’Angelo Russell美國時間星期一完成他的第二次訓練。而明天籃網跟馬刺比賽前將會進行投籃訓練,屆時Russell將會進行一次短訓練。他不會參加跟馬刺的比賽,但是他離正式復出已經非常接近。

“他明天會進行一點投籃訓練,”籃網主帥Kenny Atkinson表示,“還有額外的訓練,都只是一點點而已。不過關於他具體的復出日期目前我們還不知道。不過明天他會在投籃訓練結束後與其他隊友們一起訓練。"
“He will practice in our shootaround tomorrow a little,” said Atkinson. “Extra practice, just a little – but no update when he’s going to play in a game and all that. But he will (practice) tomorrow with our guys after shootaround.”

“首先,我們需要得到醫療和運動部門的批准,”Kenny Atkinson說道,“顯然的,他需要有信心,然後教練組也需要有信心,這是需要大家合作的事情,我會說我們已經很接近了。我告訴你,他在發展聯盟訓練中表現得很不錯“。
引用“First of all, let’s get the green light from medical and performance,” said Atkinson. “Obviously he’s got to feel confident, then the coaches have to feel confident, so it’s a collaboration. I’ll say we’re getting closer; I’ll give you that. He’s had some good practices with the G League team.”
不過D’Angelo Russell的復出也為Kenny Atkinson增添幸福的煩惱。Spencer Dinwiddie和能客串控衛的Caris LeVert都在這段時間打出了生涯最佳表現。Kenny Atkinson要重新整理一下輪換陣容了。
“這是一個很棒的問題,”Kenny Atkinson認為,“你有三個可以控球的球員,他們都可以打擋拆……我們可以讓他們同時出戰,也可以讓他們輪換上場。就像我說的,我們增加了另外一名出色球員,這幾乎就像是簽下了一名好球員,這對於我們的球隊來說肯定有巨大的幫助。我們需要分配好出場時間和整理輪換方式,也需要找到化學反應。”
引用“It’s a good problem to have, said Atkinson, repeating his mantra on the subject. “You’ve got three guys who can really handle the ball, play pick-and-roll … we can play them together, we can stagger them. Like I said, we’re adding another really good player, it’s like signing a really good player almost, that could really help our team. We’ll have to figure out the minutes, the rotations, the chemistry and all that.

( source: https://www.netsdaily.com/2018/1/16/16898954/atkinson-dinwiddie-talk-russells-return-which-will-be-so-on)


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  • Kusanagi Kyo 於 17/01/2018 評論 NO. 1

    籃網主帥要面對幸福的煩惱? 別鬧了,是要煩惱團隊氣氛被破壞的煩惱。
