在今日紐約人作客108:118不敵木狼的比賽中, Tim Hardaway Jr.傷癒復出,他替補出戰25分鐘,13投5中,貢獻16分、3籃板、2助攻,狀態不俗。不過他的復出也意味著,這一段時間表現不錯的Michael Beasley上場時間可能會大大減少。
在 Tim Hardaway Jr.缺陣的20場比賽裡,Michael Beasley為紐約人貢獻了穩定的火力輸出。這段時間他場均能交出16.6分、6.1籃板的成績,而且上場時間也增加到23.1分鐘。要知道,當Tim Hardaway Jr.健康出賽的時侯,Michael Beasley的場均上陣時間只有14.4分鐘。
被問到上場時間可能會減少時,Michael Beasley表示不會驚訝: "“我已經習慣了。就是做球隊所需要我做的,做球隊要求我做的。如果他們不要求任何東西,那我猜我什麼都不會做。"
紐約人主帥Jeff Hornacek表示, Tim Hardaway Jr.的上場時間會逐漸回復正常。屆時他將視乎比賽情況來換人,如果需要得分的話Michael Beasley會上場,如果需要防守的話則會是由Lance Thomas來應付。
(source: https://www.newsday.com/amp/sports/basketball/knicks/knicks-michael-beasley-tim-hardaway-jr-1.16142702?__twitter_impression=true)
被問到上場時間可能會減少時,Michael Beasley表示不會驚訝: "“我已經習慣了。就是做球隊所需要我做的,做球隊要求我做的。如果他們不要求任何東西,那我猜我什麼都不會做。"
引用“Honestly, no,” said Beasley, the No. 2 pick in the 2008 NBA Draft. “I’m used to it at this point. Just doing what the team needs, doing what the team asks. If they don’t ask for anything, I guess I don’t do anything.”“我早已經習慣了戲劇性的改變,習慣了大起大落。因此如果像我以後打不了球這樣的事情發生了,我也不會哭。我會期望著明天,繼續工作,提升狀態。"
引用Beasley just shrugged it off. “I’m used to dramatic change. I’m used to ups and downs,” he said. “If anything happens to where I don’t play anymore, I can’t cry about it. Just got to look forward to tomorrow, get my work in, keep my conditioning up.”
Beasley said it took a while for him to accept this situation. “At this point, God has granted me the serenity,” he said. “I’m OK with what doesn’t happen. I can control what I can and go from there.”
紐約人主帥Jeff Hornacek表示, Tim Hardaway Jr.的上場時間會逐漸回復正常。屆時他將視乎比賽情況來換人,如果需要得分的話Michael Beasley會上場,如果需要防守的話則會是由Lance Thomas來應付。
(source: https://www.newsday.com/amp/sports/basketball/knicks/knicks-michael-beasley-tim-hardaway-jr-1.16142702?__twitter_impression=true)
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