雷霆主帥談Oladipo: 他夏天很努力訓練

B for Basketball 於 13/12/2017 發表 收藏文章
俄克拉荷馬雷霆仍然沒有找到他們最好的打球方式,昨天面對三連敗的黃蜂仍然以103:116輸球。而另一方面,Victor Oladipo帶領的溜馬持續強勢,近期已經取得4連勝。
Victor Oladipo本賽季上演大爆發,場均可以拿到24.5分、5.3籃板、4.0助攻。雷霆主帥Billy Donovan談到這位舊將時表示,Oladipo今年休賽期展示出了很積極的訓練態度。
5月尾至6月頭這段時間,季後賽正在進行中,雷霆被火箭淘汰,而當時Victor Oladipo仍未被交易。Billy Donovan表示他當時希望Oladipo在休賽期之初能夠先待在俄克拉荷馬,然而球員本人已經制定了一日三次的訓練計畫。瑜伽、拳擊、僱用私人廚師,Victor Oladipo想盡了各種辦法來提升自己。


引用“Going into the summer, the things that he was doing and that we talked about him doing and what we needed him to do, he was doing,” Donovan said Tuesday. “He was committed to those things and he did a really good job. So, I think you probably would've seen a drastic improvement from Victor if he was still here just based on what he has done.”

(source: http://newsok.com/thunder-journal-no-ones-going-against-billy-anthony-george-reaffirm-faith-in-donovan/article/5575709?custom_click=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Newso)


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  • 星空 於 13/12/2017 評論 NO. 1

    有聯盟最強訓練員 Wb 能訓練出mvp 球星
