Kevin Durant: Steph Curry是勇士的門面 我不是領袖但我會以身作則

B for Basketball 於 17/11/2017 發表 收藏文章
勇士球星Kevin Durant早前接受了GQ的採訪並登上了該雜誌的封面、而在訪談中,KD直接回應了關於勇士領袖的問題。
"Steph Curry是這支球隊的門面,這對我有幫助,因為這意味著我不必去做(球隊的領袖),”KD說,“我不想被迫去成為一名領袖,我不是一個領袖。我不擅長去說 '站在我身後,跟我走'。我是那種"我們一起來做這件事、我們一起來努力。'的人。我不介意去為你站在最前線,但是重要的是我們一起來完成這件事。這是我領導的方式,以身作則“。

引用“Steph Curry is the face of the franchise, and that helps me out, because I don't have to,” he said. “I don't want to have to be the leader. I'm not a leader. I'm bad at saying, ‘Stand behind me and follow me.’ No. I'm one of those guys that's just like, ‘Let's do this shit together. Let's just work everybody together. I don't mind being on the front line with you, but let's come and do it together.’ That's my way of leadership. I'm leading by example.”
今天不敵塞爾特人的比賽中,Stephen Curry完全被對方掐死,這時候也是Kevin Durant站出來帶領球隊。雖然勇士最終輸掉比賽,但對於衛冕冠軍而言,相信他們很快就會把狀態調整回來。



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