Mark Cuban: 小牛絕對不會擺爛

B for Basketball 於 10/11/2017 發表 收藏文章
開季戰績2勝10負,達拉斯小牛本賽季已經是西區副班長的熱門人選,然而這並不代表他們會放棄。小牛老闆Mark Cuban表示,他們絕不會擺爛。
很多球迷已經認為,本賽季注定是小牛的一個失敗賽季,他們應該開始擺爛,放眼明年的選秀大會。美國當地時間星期二,小牛客場迎戰巫師的比賽前,Mark Cuban接受了一次採訪,他明確表示,球隊是絕對不會放棄的: "在我們被淘汰之前,我們是不會去擺爛的。我仍然相信我們可以扭轉局勢。過去我們在各種各樣的情況下都遭遇過1勝9負的開局,我們不是沒遭遇到過這種境況。只不過你永遠不想希望在開季時打成這樣。"

引用But not until we were eliminated," Cuban reminded Tuesday night before his Mavericks, then 1-10, faced the Wizards in Washington D.C. "And until we're eliminated, we ain't tanking here, either.
"I still think we can turn this around," he said. "We've been in 1-9 stretches during various parts of various seasons in the past, so it's not like we haven't been here before. It's just that you never want to start the season like that."
"而且我們接下來還要取得3勝7負才可以追平上賽季的開季戰績。"Mark Cuban開玩笑的指出。 上賽季小牛的開季戰績是4勝17負。
引用"Hey, we only have to go 3-7 to match last year."

也許是受Mark Cuban的話所影響,小牛當天就以113:99擊敗巫師。



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