KD談金塊中鋒: 他會成為聯盟的一股力量

B for Basketball 於 05/11/2017 發表 收藏文章
今天勇士在客場以127:108撃敗金塊,Kevin Durant砍下25分、7籃板、7助攻。
賽後KD接受採訪被問到對金塊中鋒Nikola Jokic的印象,勇士小前鋒表示: "他很與眾不同,他還很年輕。你需要讓他繼續發展和成長。但是他對比賽的感覺在年輕球員中是很不一樣的的。他傳球的方式,他推快攻的方式,他可以投三分,可以投中距離。現在就看他的持續性了,他的工作和訓練習慣,他會付出多少努力來帶領球隊在每個晚上爭取勝利。這是每個年輕球員都要經歷的,尤其是像他這樣有天賦的球員。他會在某個時候解決這一些東西,然後在一段長時間裡成為聯盟的一股力量。"
引用Man he’s different, he’s different. He’s still young, though. You gotta let him still develop and grow. But his feel for the game for a young player like that is different. The way he passes, the way he pushes the break, shoot the three, shoot the mid-range. Now it’s just a matter of consistently every single day just knowing the work habits and knowing how hard it is to lead your team every night to a W.
That’s something that every young player goes through, especially as talented as him. He’s going to figure it out at some point and he’s going to be a force for a long time.

事實上,在休賽期期間KD在Twitter上跟球迷互動時就提過這樣的一條問題,撇開個人數據和球隊成績,誰是你最喜愛的球員,而當時KD自己就選擇了Nicola Jokic。

(source: https://www.denverstiffs.com/2017/11/4/16608344/kevin-durant-on-nikola-jokic-hes-going-to-be-a-force-for-a-long-time-denver-nuggets)


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