Stephen Curry賽前安慰Devin Harris外甥 上週剛失去爸爸

B for Basketball 於 24/10/2017 發表 收藏文章
今天勇士在客場以133:103擊敗小牛,Stephen Curry拿下29分、8助攻。而在賽前,有人拍到這樣一幕畫面。
Stephen Curry和小牛後衛Devin Harris站在一起,而Curry一直在安慰著Devin Harris的外甥Brayden Harris,Brayden Harris的爸爸Bruce Harris上週在車禍中去世。

而今天的比賽Devin Harris也沒有出場,希望Devin Harris和Brayden Harris盡快走出傷痛。

賽後提到這件事時,Curry表示: "“顯然地,在這種情況下有時候很難找到正確的話,這對他的家庭來講太艱難了。在他這樣的年紀,我無法想像他如何經歷這些事情。我可以講的最好的事情就是讓他去依靠家人,他能有力量來撐過這段困難時期。“
引用“It’s obviously sometimes hard to find the right words to say in that situation,” Curry said. “It’s a tough blow to the family. For him at that age, I can’t imagine what he’s going through. But the best thing I can say is lean on his family and to give him that strength to get through this tough time.”
據說小Brayden是Stephen Curry的球迷,是Shaun Livingston和Seth Curry的安排讓Brayden有機會跟Stephen Curry見面。"這種情況下很難去找到正確的話來說,但是我們試著讓他知道,很多人在記掛著他和為他祈禱。"Curry表示

引用“There’s no right thing to say in that situation,” Curry said. “But we try to show him there’s a lot of people thinking about him and praying for him and for the entire family to know how tough of a situation this is.”



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