Luke Walton分享與Steve Kerr一齊坐車的搞笑故事

B for Basketball 於 08/04/2016 發表 收藏文章
據The score.com報導,勇士助理教練Luke Walton和勇士主教練Steve Kerr一齊坐車時,曾經發生過一件讓Steve Kerr既好笑又尷尬的故事
眾所週知,Steve Kerr在去年夏天接受了背部手術,本賽季開始後缺席了很長一段時間。這段時間裡Luke Walton作為代理主帥臨危受命,並率領勇士打出39勝4負的戰績,其中包括驚天動地的開局24連勝,但是NBA的規定卻將這些執教勝場數計算給了Steve Kerr,這讓很多人都感到莫名其秒,Steve Kerr本人也不止一次批評聯盟的做法不知所謂。

據Luke Walton透露,有一次他和Steve Kerr在波特蘭打車(據稱是Uber),結果這位Uber司機為Luke Walton大為抱打不平。最搞笑的是,那位司機只認出了Luke Walton,而沒有認出Steve Kerr。

「那位司機說我沒有得到那些勝場數簡直是胡扯(Bullcrap)。」 Luke Walton表示,「他當時並不知道Steve就坐在後面,或者說他並沒有認出Steve。所以Steve當時的感覺就像:「是的,勇士隊的主教練是一個真正的混蛋」
引用"The driver started saying it was bullcrap that I wasn't getting the wins," Walton told Ramona Shelburne of ESPN of the January encounter. "He didn't know Steve was in the back, or he didn't recognize Steve yet. So Steve was like, 'Yeah, that head coach of theirs is a real asshole. He's only thinking about himself.'
然後Luke Walton就直接打蛇隨棍上:「然後我跟那位司機就聊起來了,我說:『是的,我甚至認為Steve親自打電話給NBA並確保他能得到那些勝場數。』」接著那位司機就氣瘋了:「天阿,他聽上去就像一個混蛋。」
引用"Then we all started jumping in. I said, 'Yeah, I think Steve even called the NBA to make sure he got those wins.' The Uber driver was like, 'God, he sounds like a jerk.'"
Steve Kerr當時心裡的話應該是:「這臭小子!」

(Source: The Warriors' Walton recalls Uber driver calling Kerr a jerk)


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