《財富》雜誌選出世界50大領袖 勇士將帥上榜

B for Basketball 於 25/03/2016 發表 收藏文章
San Jose Mercury News報導了《財富》雜誌(Fortune Magazine)近日所公布的世界50大領袖名單,其中勇士球員Stephen Curry和教練Steve Kerr並列第15位。
領袖名單中涉及領域包含了政治、學術、藝術和體育等。在今年的榜單名列榜首的是亞馬遜創始人及現任董事長兼CEO Jeff Bezos。第二位是德國總理默克爾,第三位是昂山素姬。另外諸如蘋果CEO Timothy Cook,歌手John Legend、柴靜、羅馬教皇聖方濟各等都榜上有名。

體育界方面,一共兩個單位入選榜單,包括排11位的阿拉巴馬紅潮欖球隊教練Nick Saban和並列第15位的勇士將帥Stephen Curry和Steve Kerr。

《財富》雜誌對Stephen Curry和Steve Kerr的評價是:「也許他們看上去的平凡讓他們顯得更與眾不同。Stephen Curry和Steve Kerr看起來很平易近人。看著他們,我們或許會說,‘我們也有機會跟他們一樣’。 但事實絕非如此」
引用The reasoning, in an accompanying profile authored by Sports Illustrated writer Chris Ballard, was that ``perhaps it is their ordinariness that sets them apart. Neither would look out of place showing up to the noon run at the local Y, a couple of spindly, amiable not-quite-tall but not-quite-short guys. Indeed, we look at Steve Kerr and Steph Curry and think: That could be us.Of course, it couldn't''
《財富》雜誌進一步指出:「他們都是最好的三分投手。Steve Kerr有一堆冠軍戒指,Stephen Curry正在奪取個人第2座MVP獎杯的路上,他刷新了一系列的三分紀錄,改變了孩子們對籃球比賽的觀念和想法。」

引用The story continues: `They are the two best three-point marksmen, by percentage, in NBA history. Kerr has more championship rings than he could fit on his shooting hand'' while Curry is ``skewing every analytic measure created and redefining about how a generation of kids views the game.''

(Source: San Jose Mercury News: Steve Kerr, Stephen Curry ranked in Fortune magazine's list of World's Greatest Leaders)


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