Jimmy Butler爆粗怒罵自己: 我打得太爛了!

B for Basketball 於 24/03/2016 發表 收藏文章
芝加哥公牛今天主場107:115不敵紐約人,終於跌出了東部前8,鑑於接下來公牛12場賽事中有8個客場,而且還有老鷹、溜馬、熱火、 騎士這些強隊要打,今天這場敗北顯得更傷球隊元氣。
Jimmy Butler在這場比賽得了7分,8助攻,命中率是11中3。他復出後的6場比賽77投28中,命中率只有36.4%。談到自己近期的表現時,Jimmy Butler表示:「我知道這是一項團隊運動,但如果其中有一個大家所謂最出色的球員並沒有做到他該做到的事情,那麼就會出現這樣的局面,這就是現在發生的情況」
引用"I know this is a team game, but if one of your so-called best players is not doing what he's supposed to do, that's what's going to happen," Butler said.
是在說他自己嗎?Jimmy Butler說:「是的。」他甚至還罵出了髒話:「你們也都看到了我的表現。太爛了(piss-poor)。我的隊友教練都不會說出來,但我是一個很現實的人。如果我繼續像現在這樣打球,我就是在傷害這支球隊」
引用was asked if he was referring to himself.
"Yeah," he said. "You see the way I've been playing lately. It's saddening. It's piss-poor. It's terrible. My teammates won't say it, my coaches won't say it, but I'm a realist. If I continue to play like this I'm hurting this team."
記者接著問:「所以你現在身體狀況怎麼樣?」「不不不,這不是什麼藉口。我也不知道這他X的(What the fxxk)到底是怎麼樣了,但這和我的膝蓋沒有任何的關係,我的身體狀況很棒。」

引用"No," he said. "That's not an excuse. I don't know what the f--- it is, but it has nothing to do with the knee. My body's fine."

(Source: ESPN: Jimmy Butler: My performance of late 'saddening, terrible')


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  • The Pandas Friend 於 25/03/2016 評論 NO. 1


  • L.Lai 於 25/03/2016 評論 NO. 2

