速龍季後賽第二輪被騎士4:0橫掃,主教練Dwane Casey被解僱,當家球星DeMar DeRozan再次捲入交易傳聞,對多倫多而言,這個夏天注定不會平靜。
速龍總經理Masai Ujiri近期接受了ESPN的訪問,Adrian Wojnarowski問到Masai Ujiri看到塞爾特人在東決大比分2:0領先騎士時是否很沮喪,速龍總經理表示同意:"是的,對我和我們來說,這讓人失望。我是一個非黑即白的人,這就是事實,很讓人失望。這就是NBA球隊之間的細小分別。差距就在那裡擺著,(和騎士的)第一場比賽敗陣對我們的傷害很大。對我們而言那讓人失望。不論原因是什麼,局勢發生轉變而我們沒能扳回來。”

東岸決賽Game 1,速龍在主場以112:113不敵騎士。
速龍總經理Masai Ujiri近期接受了ESPN的訪問,Adrian Wojnarowski問到Masai Ujiri看到塞爾特人在東決大比分2:0領先騎士時是否很沮喪,速龍總經理表示同意:"是的,對我和我們來說,這讓人失望。我是一個非黑即白的人,這就是事實,很讓人失望。這就是NBA球隊之間的細小分別。差距就在那裡擺著,(和騎士的)第一場比賽敗陣對我們的傷害很大。對我們而言那讓人失望。不論原因是什麼,局勢發生轉變而我們沒能扳回來。”
引用Ujiri: Yes, to me, it was disappointing for us. I’m a black and white guy. This is the truth, it was disappointing. That’s the thin line in the NBA. That’s the margin right there, and that Game 1 loss hurt us. It was very disappointing for us, and whatever the cause was, it took a turn and we couldn’t just get it back.ESPN記者Jay Bilas隨後問到,如果速龍能拿下第一場的話,這會不會是個完全不一樣的系列賽?而整支球隊的反應是否會完全不同?Masai Ujiri表示:"毫無疑問。但是我必須重再說一遍,作為整支球隊的領袖,我需要去看到過去五年我們到達的位置。所以說實話,這並不是只針對四場比賽的評估,而是基於過去五年我們所做到的事。所以,輸球是不幸的,但我不是一個過度反應的人。我必須去評價從那個時間點(五年前)到現在,以及未來。”
引用Jay Bilas: Is there even a thought of, if one of those close in stick backs goes in in Game 1 you’re looking at a totally different series and a different reaction from your team overall?
Ujiri: No question. But I again, as the leader of the organization I have to look at the last five years and where we’ve come. So the assessment is not just four games, honestly. It’s the five years and where we’ve come and where does it go. So the loss is unfortunate, but I’m not a reaction person like that. I really have to evaluate from that time to now and the future as well.
東岸決賽Game 1,速龍在主場以112:113不敵騎士。
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