Kobe Bryant當年那場石破天驚的單場81分比賽深植人心,這是NBA歷史上僅次於Wilt Chamberlain單場100分的飆分巨作,Kobe在極具意義的該場比賽熱身球衣最近在蘇富比以277,200美元拍出。
引用根據TMZ Sports的說法:“那場歷史性比賽的球鞋被送到了籃球名人堂,球衣則是歸Kobe的家人所有,所以這可能是該場比賽中唯一的一件Kobe身上穿著。”
根據後續報導,這件熱身球衣除了81分的比賽外,Kobe另外總共穿過6次。最終由湖人迷也是Kobe物品收藏家David Kohler得標。
引用Kohler:“多年來收集Kobe Bryant的紀念品後我很高興也很榮幸,能將這個來自NBA史上最重要比賽之一的非常特別物品添加到我的收藏中。
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引用Per TMZ Sports, "the shoes from that historic game were sent to the Basketball Hall of Fame, and the uniform is owned by Bryant's family—so this might be the only Bryant-donned item from the game that ever becomes available."
引用"After collecting Kobe Bryant memorabilia throughout many years, I am thrilled and honored to add this very special artifact from one of the most significant games in NBA history to my collection."
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