十足熱情與百分百認真 Edwards:5年後我想成為聯盟的代言人

04看籃球 於 02/02/2022 發表 收藏文章

經過激烈的隊內練習後,Anthony Edwards在球場角落坐下準備接受媒體專訪。他邊看著幾位球員和訓練員持續簡單的5對5比賽,邊對Patrick Beverley喊著:“你最好不要讓那個人在你身上得分!”



“認真”可能是Edwards身上的另一個特質,他想成為一名全明星球員,並且認為自己應該已經是了。明尼蘇達灰狼雖然還有一段路要走,但在他與Karl-Anthony Towns、D'Angelo Russell一起帶領下,球隊明顯走在正確方向。


他的數據值得入選全明星,但票選結果主觀且現實的。Steph Curry和Ja Morant是西區後場先發,因此Edwards將與一些球星競爭:包含Luka Doncic、Devin Booker、Chris Paul、Donovan Mitchell、Dejounte Murray、Desmond Bane,想要從中脫穎而出並不容易。

引用Steve Kerr:“我認為最重要的是他做為一名球員的成熟度,和多數人一樣,第二年比第一年容易些,這取決於經驗和更了解你面臨的情況。而且我認為Edwards看起來真的很舒服與充滿自信。球員還有很多事要學習,但我認為他已經掌握了很多東西,現在正在以非常有自信的方式打球。”

總之,Edwards的長期目標是崇高的。他毫不猶豫的說出想在5年內成為聯盟的門面,想成為多次MVP並擁有NBA總冠軍戒指。而上述的目標除了Kevin Garnett和他的MVP賽季外,這些都是明尼蘇達灰狼隊史沒有其他人能完成過的壯舉。


這些宣言都不能保證任何事情,但至少,我們知道他將在一段時間內成為比賽中最好的得分手之一。不過他會成為明尼蘇達自2007年Garnett被交易以來一直在尋找的球隊長期門面嗎?Kevin Love離開了,Andrew Wiggins或Jimmy Butler沒做到,Towns則也還在努力中。


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引用"A lot of people think I am a joke because I am so funny. But I am not a joke, man. Don't play with me," a suddenly straight-faced Edwards tells B/R.

引用"I think the biggest thing is his maturity as a player," says Steve Kerr before his third matchup of the year against Edwards last week. "Like most guys, the second year becomes a lot easier than the first just based on experience and knowing what you're facing. And I think Anthony looks really comfortable and confident out there. ... There is so much to learn between personnel and scouting reports and tendencies. I think he's picked up a lot of that stuff and now is playing with a lot of confidence."

引用"I want to be an All-Star. I want to go deep in the playoffs, definitely past the first round. In five years, I want to be the face of the league and have a couple of MVPs by then and have a ring. In five years, I would expect to go to the Finals for sure," Edwards says.

引用"I am willing to win at all costs. I am willing to do whatever it takes. I'm willing to guard the best player for 48 minutes. I'll try to get 30 rebounds. It's whatever. I will do whatever it takes, and I feel like that is what will put us over the hump."


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