距離NBA 交易截止日還有2周時間, 各項交易傳聞逐漸開始升溫。波特蘭拓荒者前鋒Robert Covington也成為多支球隊追逐可能人選,多支有望揮軍季後賽球隊展開了聯繫:猶他爵士、明尼蘇達灰狼隊、克利夫蘭騎士以及密爾瓦基公鹿。
聯盟消息人士告訴HoopsHype,有幾支球隊已經致電表示有興趣交易Covington,包括猶他爵士,正如Marc Stein先前報導的,明尼蘇達灰狼、克利夫蘭騎士和其他球隊也已經遞出橄欖枝。
我肯定有更多球隊在追求他。他可能成為Jerami Grant交易的多米諾骨牌效應,包含Harrison Barnes或Marcus Morris等前鋒。任何對這些球員感興趣但出局的球隊都可能會轉而追逐Covington。猶他是一支想得到Grant的球隊,但可能會以更低價格得到Covington,公鹿則試圖讓他填補PJ Tucker的角色。
拓荒者是在2020年以Trevor Ariza、Isaiah Steward和2021年首輪籤向火箭換來Covington,這位31歲前鋒本賽季場均上場 29.3 分鐘貢獻7.7分5.6籃板,投籃命中率39.0%以及三分球命中率35.1%。他正處於合約的最後一年,本季薪資為1300萬美元。
拓荒者目前大約高出奢侈稅門檻300 萬美元,如果賽季結束前沒有作為將使他們面臨明年支付更多重複稅的危險。在季初就有專家預測如果球隊沒有打出好成績,就會在賽季中推動節省薪水的交易,而Covington是最有可能的人選。
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引用Several teams have called to express interest in trading for Robert Covington, including the Utah Jazz, as Marc Stein first reported, the Minnesota Timberwolves, Cleveland Cavaliers, and others have also reached out, league sources told HoopsHype.
I’m sure there are a lot more teams that are pursuing him. He’ll probably be a domino effect of a Jerami Grant trade and potentially other forwards like Harrison Barnes or Marcus Morris. Any team that is interested in those guys and strike out will probably go after Covington. Utah is a team I can see going after Grant but could probably get Covington for a lot less. Milwaukee is another team I can see trying to get him for the vacated PJ Tucker role.
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