LeBron與網友挺身砲轟 巫師評論員向Kevin Porter Jr.及其家人致歉

04的NBA大小事 於 07/01/2022 發表 收藏文章

巫師評論員Glenn Consor在飽受抨擊的情況下,對於前一天引用Kevin Porter Jr.父親的不當言論道歉了。

火箭後衛Kevin Porter Jr.在對巫師的比賽命中絕殺球,但就在發生當下,現場評論員Consor卻冒出一句:「你必須信任他,Porter就像他爸爸一樣,在正確的時刻扣下了扳機!」

根據《今日美國》的Analis Bailey的報導,Porter的全名是 Bryan Kevin Porter Jr.,他的父親Bryan Kevin Porter Sr.從1972-73賽季起在NBA打過10個賽季,退役後在1993年發生槍殺一名14歲女孩的一級過失殺人罪。但他在2004年另一起西雅圖槍擊案中喪生,Consor就是以過去的這段不幸事件來引述。

截至週四上午,巫師球團和轉播單位NBC Sports Washington均未對此事發表評論。但包含許多網友以及LeBron James都跳出來砲轟,後者甚至表示應該取消Consor的職務。



引用Consor則在Twitter上發文致歉:「請允許我藉這個機會,針對我昨晚在比賽中發表的不當言論向小Porter及其家人,還有火箭隊表示誠摯歉意。我錯誤認為小Porter是前華盛頓球員Kevin Porter的兒子,並且沒有意識到我對於小Porter絕殺球的形容具有傷害性,我已經親自向Kevin道歉,並希望能盡快與他交談。」



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After Porter made a lore three-pointer yesterday, Wizarding anchor Kang Suo said: "You have to trust him. Like his dad, Porter pulled the trigger at the right time."

引用James expressed his own views on this sentence: "Oh, he thinks this is cool, right? No! We don't think so! You can't talk like that at home, you have to be so insensitive to say that. I Pray for you, but there is no place for you in our glamorous game!"

引用Consor wrote in his apology: "Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my sincere apologies to Porter, his family, and the Rockets for the inappropriate remarks I made in the game last night. I mistakenly believe that Porter is The son of former Washington player Kevin Porter, and didn’t realize that my description of Porter’s lore is hurtful and insensitive. I have personally apologized to Kevin and hope to talk to him as soon as possible.”

引用James once again talked about the reasons for speaking for Porter. He said: "This narrator did not go through a "due diligence" before saying these things. No matter who he thinks Porter's father is, he said These words are out of date. I don't mean to make him unable to continue. I just express my views and positions, and I will not take back what I said."

James also said: "We must continue to protect our players. I can't let such a thing happen to a child who respects me, Porter respects me very much, so I have an obligation to let him know that I am his backing. "


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