即便有5人得分上雙,當家主力Julius Randle也攻下24分9籃板8助攻2抄截的全能數據,尼克在紐約內戰經過一番激戰後仍以2分之差敗給籃網。
顯然Randle與總教練Tom Thibodeau有些不服氣在於裁判的哨聲,Randle全場只有2次罰球機會,尼克全隊12罰11中而籃網則是一倍有餘的25罰22中,這對於最終結果有了直接性的影響。
Randle在終場前1分36秒被判了技術犯規, Kevin Durant掌握機會投進18呎的跳投並罰進技術犯規的罰球。尼克沒有氣餒在最後17秒將比分追平,但又是一次犯規讓 James Johnson2罰全進而贏得比賽,這一連串的判決正是讓Randle感到不平的原因。
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引用"Got to ask them," Randle said of the officiating crew of Scott Foster, Mark Lindsay and Jason Goldenberg. "I don't know what they're watching or what they're seeing. As aggressive as I played, attacking the paint, I can't be penalized for just being stronger than people. And that is an answer that I got today."
引用"They said because certain contact doesn't affect me like it affects other players," Randle said. "Because I am stronger, they miss the calls."
"It pisses me off even more," Randle said when asked what his reaction is when he hears that. "To be honest with you, because that is not how you officiate the game."
引用"You saw what happened," Randle said when asked about the technical foul. "Everybody saw what happened. Ain't no need for me to talk on it. You all saw what happened.I want to focus on continuing to block that out, play hard, play with energy and lead my team. I can't let my techs affect being effective whether we win or lose."
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