NBA 2K18 即將更改封面!

投籃與接吻 於 24/08/2017 發表 收藏文章

2K18的封面原本定好是騎士的Kyrie Irving ,但由於Kyrie Irving 已經完成轉隊,然而2K18 還未正式發售,意味著官方還有時間為封面作出修改。

根據gameinformer的報導,2k的籃球作品副營運總監Jason Argent,已經承諾會為2K18的封面作出修改。

引用We are excited to be part of one of the most memorable NBA offseasons in history with Kyrie, our 2K18 cover athlete, and Isaiah, one of the stars of our 2K roster, trading places. This isn't an unprecedented event, a cover athlete being traded – but it's certainly interesting timing with 2K18 being released in less than a month. The good news is that as the most authentic and realistic basketball game on the market, we're used to being nimble and responding to changes in the NBA. Fans should be thrilled to know that we will issue a version of 2K18 featuring Kyrie in a Boston Celtics uniform at a later date.

「我很興奮我們能成為最有意義NBA 休賽期的一部分,連同我們2K18 的封面球星Kyrie一起,見證他與Isaiah互換球隊的歷史。這不是第一次封面球星被交易,但這次的時間十分有趣,因為NBA 2K18還有不足一個月便正式發售了。幸好我們是市場上最靈活和最真實的遊戲商,我們已經習慣了NBA 的變化。球迷們聽到這個消息或許會高興,我們將會推出穿上塞爾特人球衣的Kyrie Irving 封面。



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  • EthanWayns 於 24/08/2017 評論 NO. 1

