Angry Russell ─ 憤怒的Russell Westbrook!吼!

NBA JUMP SHOT 於 23/10/2015 發表 收藏文章
幾乎在奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊的每一場比賽裡,都會看到他們的控衛Russell Westbrook的瘋狂表演,他先在後場拿下籃板,然後極速轉身怒奔疾走,然後一貶眼間就以一記全力爆扣終結攻勢!

難怪他的隊友Steve Novak也稱這位去季得分王為「憤怒的Russell」 (“Angry Russell”)。Novak說道,“他在媒體報導中、在比賽場上時都是怒氣沖沖的,但我認為這不是什麼壞事。這就好像是他的動力,並使得他盡全力去做好自己的角色。但在更衣室的他是完全不同的一個人,他非常有善、有趣、容易相處,他亦十分清楚自己在什麼時候應有什麼的情緒,只是記者們可能要對「憤怒的Russell」有多一點的耐性。”
引用“He’s always angry with the media, he’s angry on the court, and I think it’s not a bad thing,” Novak says. “I think it’s what fuels him and makes him go and puts him in a place he needs to be to be who he is. But in the locker room he’s a totally different guy. He’s extremely well spoken, nice and funny. I think he understands what place he has to be in to be locked in to be really good, and I think that’s the ‘Angry Russell’ that (reporters) just need to be patient with.”

上賽季在Kevin Durant因傷缺陣下,他肩負起帶領球隊的責任,因此亦呈現了他在球場上的超級統治力。他場均貢獻職業生涯新高的28.1分、7.3籃板、8.6助攻、2.1抄截,嬴得了上賽季得分王的頭銜,又曾一度連續4場賽事做出「大三元」,更差點就憑一人之力帶領缺少了Durant及Ibaka的雷霆隊打進季後賽。在兩人今季回歸後,雷霆隊仍然需要Russell Westbrook延續上賽季的表現以挑戰總冠軍的榮譽。

球隊大前鋒Serge Ibaka表示,“這就是Russell,為了幫助球隊打進季後賽,他想要做到最好。上賽季他盡全力地付出了一切,現在他可以稍稍慢下來休息一下了。事實上他的憤怒是想為球隊帶來勝利,他不是希望球隊落敗或是傷害隊友,作為隊友我們是最清楚的,為了嬴球他願意付出一切。”
引用“Russell, he’s just Russell,” Ibaka said. “He wants to do the best he can to put the team in the playoffs. He gives everything he can, and he’s got to slow it down a little bit, too, you know. Like people say, when you see it in the big picture, he’s trying to make his team win. It’s not like he’s trying to do that to make his team lose or hurt his teammates. At the end of the day we are the only ones who know the truth: He’s just trying to win. He would do whatever it takes.”

媒體和球迷可能會擔心,在有著如此具統治力的Westbrook、與及聯盟最強得分手Kevin Durant健康回歸下,他們兩人的合作會有影響或任何矛盾嗎?

Russell Westbrook本人就回應道,“我們已經一起打球8年了,這不是如發射火箭上太空般的難題,我的工作就是要找到讓球隊勝利的方法。而有了KD他在陣中,顯然能夠幫助我和其他的隊友。這是我們一直習慣了的合作模式,我們知道如何分工合作,並且了解大家的節奏。”
引用“We’ve been playing together for eight years. It’s not rocket science,” Westbrook said. “My job is to find a way to help us win. Kevin, obviously, him being on the floor makes it a lot easier for myself and everybody else on the floor. It’s something we’re used to doing. ... We know how to get each other back on and how to find a rhythm.”

如此看來,大家可放心期待著雷霆隊今季浴火重生的閃耀光芒,與及Russell Westbrook延續去季的憤怒野獸狂暴進攻!吼!!!

資料來源:USA TODAY Youtube Channel FreeDawkins
標籤: Russell Westbrook  


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