Mo Williams退役另有內情 狠批騎士沒有關心他的健康狀況

FreePoint·三分球 於 15/10/2016 發表 收藏文章

效力騎士的Mo Williams早前突然回心轉意,四日後向傳媒宣佈退出球壇,原來整場「鬧劇」竟是另有內情。有傳這位老將對球隊為了希望他來季續任Kyrie Irving的後備,而不讓他根治其左膝蓋傷患的做法非常不滿。一怒之下,憤然宣佈退役,並暗示不滿球隊對他的身體狀況漠不關心。


mogotti25: You know the crazy thing is, I haven't been a 100% in quite a while. Nobody and I repeat nobody actually gave a damn about my health but me. Taking control of my own career/life. #differentmindsetasoftoday



引用Both the Cavaliers' team physician, Dr. Richard Parker, and another doctor consulted for a second opinion concluded that Williams' knee did not require surgery, a league source told ESPN. Williams sought a third opinion on his own, which led to Wednesday's procedure, said the source.


Williams is still occupying a roster spot with the Cavaliers despite the fact that Williams' agent informed Cavs general manager David Griffin the morning of the team's media day last month that the 33-year-old point guard planned on retiring.

Curiously, Williams has yet to file the necessary paperwork to retire in the weeks that have followed. The Cavs have attempted to negotiate a buyout for Williams' $2.2 million contract for the 2016-17 season, a league source told ESPN, without having reached a resolution thus far.

雖然如此,騎士一於少理,早已為這位去季奪標的功臣之一尋找替代者,並屬意2016年NBA選秀大會上,以第54名選下的5尺9寸新秀Kay Felder,來季擔任Irving的後備工作。Williams的種種舉動令人摸不著頭腦,到底他真有感意興闌珊,抑或只是一時以氣,相信只有他心裡才知道答案。



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