Shaq:現在的NBA太軟,Michael Jordan對活塞才是真正的NBA

評籃說理 於 22/08/2015 發表 收藏文章

據<華爾街日報>報導,名宿Shaquille O'neal接受了訪問時談及了現在的NBA球風。

O'neal表示,在他開始打球的時代,球員們打得就有點軟。反而在他加入NBA之先,像Michael Jordan與壞孩子活塞的較量才是真正的NBA。O'neal又認為因為自己打得具統治力,因此人人都抱怨規則,令現在的比賽變得更軟,球員也變得更軟。

引用It was actually kind of soft when I played, too. Before I played, that was the real NBA, and I’m sure the guys that played before me would say that’s the real NBA. But before I came in, with Mike playing against Detroit and the Bad Boys – that was the real NBA. I kind of played in the soft era, also. And then of course, with me being dominant, everybody crying about the rules, that just made it more so. But now it’s very soft.

在訪問中,O'neal也透露了自己心目中的三巨頭,他認為Julius Erving、Michael Jordan和自己的組合是史上最佳,不可能被人擊敗。

至於現今的NBA,O'neal表示他最喜歡的球員是Stephen Curry,他認為Curry身上具備了一些他從來沒有看過的技能。至於來季總冠軍的預測,O'neal不願回答,只表示看好勇士、馬刺和騎士這三支球隊。



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