Kobe承認曾考慮去巫師,與Michael Jordan聯手

評籃說理 於 27/01/2015 發表 收藏文章

據<華盛頓郵報>的Michael Lee報導,Kobe Bryant承認,在2004年成為自由球員,當時他曾考慮離開洛杉磯,去到華盛頓。

引用“That’s true,”

“A long time ago? Yeah.”

Kobe Bryant再次表示他視Michael Jordan為導師的看法。他希望在一些高水準的球員身旁學到更多。尤其是以當時巫師的處境,他可以待在Jordan身旁學到更多。

引用“I’ve always been very big on having mentors, on having muses and I’ve been really, really big on that,”

“Being around guys who have done it before and done it at a high level and always tried to pick their brains and always tried to absorb knowledge. Obviously, being in that situation [with the Wizards], it would’ve helped having to be around him every day and so on.”

2001-2003年Michael Jordan效力巫師隊,而若Kobe Bryant加盟巫師,Kobe也表示他不知道Michael Jordan會否繼續打球。可是,他認為他和Michael Jordan一起,會贏得總冠軍。而且他認為贏得比賽就好似生與死這麼重要。

引用“We would’ve put together a great team and we would’ve won championships.”

“Listen, man. There are not a lot of players in this league that say, ‘Come hell or high water, we’re going to get this [expletive] done.’ People can look around and joke around about winning, saying they want to win. For me, it’s a matter of life or death. It was that important to me. And if it’s that important to me, I’m going to get there.”

那為什麼促使Kobe希望離開湖人?原因是Shaquille O’Neal 。當時媒體認為Kobe沒有O’Neal便無法贏得比賽,而且O’Neal也視Kobe為第2位Penny Hardaway,這令Kobe感到忿怒。不過他最後決定留隊,並對O’Neal說他會憑自己的努力去贏得總冠軍,即使犧牲一切MVP、得分王等稱號,。那時,他便好像與O’Neal劃清界線一樣。

引用“The challenge had been thrown down upon me, of not being able to win without Shaq. A public challenge never really bothered me too much, but he made a couple of comments as well. I think he called me Penny Hardaway Part 2 or something like that. So that’s what [ticked] me off.”

“Then it was like, ‘Listen, you know the step back that I took to help us win championships. Let’s not get [expletive] confused. I can dominate on my own. I decided to stay here and win championships and sacrifice MVPs and scoring titles and all that stuff.’ So once that was said, it was like a line in the sand now.”

最後,Michael Jordan退休,湖人把O’Neal交易掉,並與Kobe簽下一紙7年長約。一切,只能存在幻想之中。




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  • nhojchan 於 27/01/2015 評論 NO. 1


  • neebryan 於 27/01/2015 評論 NO. 2

    LbJ 真是个怕输鬼

  • nhojchan 於 28/01/2015 評論 NO. 3

